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Inspired by Me

Life Coaching 


From Me 2 U is proud to offer Inspired by Me,  life coaching services for women and college students.


Life Coaching services are offered in 3 formats:


  1. Individual Sessions

  2. Group Sessions 

  3. A mixed combination of individual and group sessions


Individual Sessions - Provide opportunities for women to address personal concerns and obstacles and allow them to have that one-on-one time with the coach.


Group Sessions - Help women build a sisterhood, celebrate, compliment, empower, support, and congratulate one another.  Often in society, we as women compete against and tear each other down, this coaching experience allows us to feel good about ourselves by learning to support our sisters.


There is a cost for this service, which is a considerable discount in the competitive life coaching market.  We offer this discount because most minority populations would consider life coaching because of the cost and inability to utilize their insurance to cover the service.


Cost:  $50.00, 8 sessions


Call to enroll

(216) 307-ME2U (6328)

Life coaching and sisterhood
For more information.

1. Click Photo Above 
2. Complete Our Adult Programs Interest Form
3. Someone will contact you within 48-hour

Refer family or friends
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